Lean Scaleup™
Lean Scaleup solves the problem of how to scale ‘from the inside’ when there is a mismatch between a venture and the parent business in terms of size, profitability, processes, and culture. This mismatch often leads to the new venture being denied the corporate resources it depends on for advantage over greenfield rivals at the critical moment when it seeks to move from a minimum viable product (MVP) to commercial status.

Lean Scaleup Approach
Lean Scaleup is a new approach to business building within a large enterprise designed to increase the success rate of new growth ventures. Lean Scaleup builds on the principles of the ‘Lean Startup’ movement (agility, frugality, customer focus) and applies them in a corporate context, ensuring that all the conditions are right for the new venture to prosper with the support of the corporate parent.

Lean Scaleup provides an end-to-end methodology for developing idea to scale in a corporate context. The key feature is the continuous assessment of two factors: ‘worthy to be scaled’ – validated customer need and market potential; and ‘ready to be scaled’ – established connectivity with key corporate functions that will support the scaling-up effort – at every stage of the process.

The Lean Scaleup ‘gearbox’ details the key points of connection between the corporate and the new business that must be working for the project to move from MVP to scale in areas including reward, compliance, finance, and sales force.

Lean Scaleup describes what leaders need to do to manage the dual requirements of core business performance (efficiency, predictability) and new business building (speed, experimentation) in parallel and build a culture of collaboration and growth.
Your Frequently Answered Questions
Who created the lean Scaleup Framework?
What stage and/ or type of business is the Lean Scaleup designed for?
Why is it called 'Lean' Scaleup?
How can I learn more about the Lean Scaleup?
Lean Scaleup Articles
What’s wrong with internal corporate venturing and how to fix it?
I've been consulting on intra-company venturing for over 20 years, through three economic cycles, and with dozens of Fortune 500 clients. Typically, ventures are started during a technology inflection, such as the original dot com, web 2.0 or SaaS; with the intention...
Lean Scaleup: solving the corporate business building dilemma
The basic premise of new business building is that the parent assets can be leveraged to support growth. That is what creates an advantage over greenfield startups. Leverageable assets include capital, salesforce, customer accounts, brand, technology, and business...
The Corporate Start-Up Sweet Spot
The corporate start-up sweet spot is where an internal venture provides corporate fit and stretch, in terms of markets, strategic learning, and business model. The rationale for corporate start-ups is that large companies have a resource advantage over...
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