Doing Strategy For Real

Doing Strategy For Real

Strategy is like sport: there are more pundits than players… People love talking about strategy, what it is and isn’t, whether formulation or execution is more important, what the difference is between strategy and tactics, and so on.   But how...
Just do it!

Just do it!

The most strategic business people I know, don’t know anything about strategy. At least in terms of knowing about formal strategy theories and frameworks. They just do strategy: they watch and listen to everything going on in their market, think a lot about how...
The Corporate Start-Up Sweet Spot

The Corporate Start-Up Sweet Spot

 The Corporate Start-Up Sweet Spot Download The corporate start-up sweet spot is where an internal venture provides corporate fit and stretch, in terms of markets, strategic learning, and business model. The rationale for corporate start-ups is that large...
How to turn disruption into an advantage

How to turn disruption into an advantage

‘Disruption’ sounds painful, and it is when you are running a business that suddenly finds itself losing profit and market share to a competitor providing a product or service that makes yours look expensive or obsolete. Harvard Business School professor Clayton...
Minimum Viable Planning

Minimum Viable Planning

There may seem little point in medium-term 1-3 year strategic planning during a crisis. But decisions taken today have ramifications down the line, so having a plan with stated objectives is helpful to making the right ones. The problem is that standard strategic...